

・30 Sep 2024・2 min read

Candidate Experience and the Future of ATS: A Seamless Application Process


Candidate experience significantly influences a company’s ability to attract and retain top talent. If a candidate has a positive experience, they share it within their networks. But what is candidate experience?

Candidate experience refers to how an applicant feels while going through your organization's hiring process. This includes their original job search and application process, your organization's screening methods, interviews (e.g., semi-structured interviews), and onboarding procedures.

Also, combining an applicant tracking system (ATS) with onboarding and employer brand management systems ensures a smooth transition from application to onboarding. Keep reading to learn more!

The Importance of Candidate Experience in Recruitment

According to reports, 25% of candidates will actively discourage others from applying to your organization after one bad experience. This creates a domino effect, making it increasingly difficult to attract quality candidates over time.

In contrast, a positive candidate experience offers multiple benefits, such as:

  1. Competitive Advantage: A streamlined and supportive recruitment process distinguishes your company from competitors, making candidates more likely to apply and recommend your organization.
  2. Shared Ethical Values: Candidates appreciate organizations that respect their time and effort. A transparent recruitment process with effective communication from the recruiter demonstrates alignment with candidates' values.
  3. Longer Employee Retention: A positive candidate experience sets the tone for the employee’s tenure at your organization, leading to higher engagement and retention rates.
  4. Cost Reduction: An efficient candidate experience helps to filter out unsuitable applicants early, streamlining the hiring process and reducing costs associated with poor hires.
  5. Faster Access to Top Talent: Simplifying the recruitment process attracts qualified candidates, enabling quicker hiring decisions before competitors can secure them.

Understanding the Applicant Tracking System Process

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) simplifies and streamlines the hiring process for recruiters and hiring managers. Automating key tasks ensures that the journey from application to hire is efficient and organized through the applicant tracking system process. Let’s break down the stages of the ATS experience.

1. Resume Filtering

The automated applicant tracking system begins with resume filtering. An ATS scans incoming resumes for specific criteria such as keywords, skills, education, and experience. This automated filtering saves recruiters time and effort, eliminating the need for manual sorting. Candidates who don’t meet the defined criteria are automatically filtered out, allowing recruiters to focus on the most relevant applications.

2. Knockout Questions

Next, many ATS platforms allow recruiters to implement knockout questions. These straightforward queries help further narrow down candidates by eliminating those who don’t meet essential requirements. If candidates fail to provide satisfactory answers, their application is set aside, streamlining the selection process.

3. Scanning and Sorting Applicants

After filtering, the ATS scans and sorts the remaining candidates’ resumes. Using built-in resume parsing features, it extracts vital information and organizes it neatly for easy review. Recruiters can highlight standout candidates, add notes, and customize keywords for further precision. This organization allows for quick assessments and efficient scheduling of interviews.

4. Tracking Candidate Journeys

Once candidates are in the system, the ATS tracks their progress through the hiring cycle. It provides an overview of each applicant's status—whether new, in the first interview, or further along in the process. Candidates not selected remain in the database for future opportunities, ensuring a comprehensive talent pool.

5. Timely Communication

Effective communication is crucial throughout the hiring process. An ATS automates many communication tasks, enabling recruiters to update candidates about their application status, schedule interviews, and send follow-up emails with minimal effort. This automation enhances the overall efficiency of the hiring process.

Advantages of Modern Applicant Tracking Systems

ATS streamlines the hiring process, making it more efficient and effective. Here are the key advantages of using modern applicant tracking software.

Improved Cost-Per-Hire

Using an ATS can significantly lower the cost-per-hire. While traditional recruitment methods can be expensive, an automated tracking system streamlines the process and reduces the time spent on hiring. As a result, companies can achieve better financial efficiency without compromising on candidate quality.

Better Overview of Candidates

Applicant tracking software provides recruiters a comprehensive view of applicants by storing all candidate information in one location. This centralized database allows easy comparison of resumes, qualifications, and statuses. The risk of losing candidates due to poor organization is minimized, leading to more effective decision-making.

Saves Time for Value-Added Work

Modern ATS eliminates the tedious tasks of manually sorting resumes and posting job openings across various platforms. By automating these processes, recruiters can focus on more strategic activities, such as building relationships with candidates and refining hiring strategies.

Improved Inter-Departmental Communication

An ATS fosters better collaboration by allowing all stakeholders to access candidate information, provide feedback, and share real-time notes. Features like bulk messaging and task assignments ensure everyone stays in sync throughout the hiring process, reducing confusion and miscommunication.

What is the Future of Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

With the rapid evolution of technology, we can expect innovative features and trends in applicant tracking software that will reshape how recruitment is handled. Here are some key developments that will shape the future of ATS in the coming years.

Smarter Resume Parsing

Future ATS will utilize advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, improving the speed and accuracy of parsing. This means the software will be able to understand and categorize work experience, education, skills, and certifications more efficiently. Recruiters will spend less time on data entry and more time engaging with candidates, thus improving the overall ATS experience.

Video-Based Assessments

Video-based assessments will become a standard feature in applicant tracking systems. Rather than relying solely on resumes, recruiters can evaluate candidates through recorded video interviews.

This approach will provide insights into candidates' communication skills, body language, and problem-solving abilities. Video assessments will add a personal element to the hiring process, allowing recruiters to make more informed decisions.

Enhanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

Enhanced algorithms and machine learning will allow ATS to analyze candidate data more effectively. These systems will go beyond merely screening resumes; they will assess candidates based on their skills, experience, and cultural fit within an organization.

Integration with Social Media Platforms

As social media grows, expect ATS to integrate more with platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This integration will allow recruiters to source candidates directly from social media profiles, significantly expanding their talent pool. Moreover, it will provide insights into candidates' professional networks and interests, aiding in making well-informed hiring choices.

Improved Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

These systems will enable recruiters to maintain long-term relationships with potential candidates, even if they are not an immediate fit for open positions. By nurturing these connections through personalized communication, recruiters can create a talent pool for future opportunities.

Best Practices for Improving Candidate Experience with ATS

An applicant tracking system (ATS) can greatly enhance the candidate experience by streamlining the recruitment process and making it more user-friendly. To help you make the most of this solution, here are some best practices to consider for improving the candidate experience with your ATS.

Simplify the Application Process

One of the first steps in enhancing the candidate experience is simplifying the application process. Reducing the number of questions and fields in the form can help minimize frustration and drop-off rates.

A concise and focused application encourages candidates to complete their submissions quickly. This approach respects candidates' time, making them feel valued and appreciated from the beginning of their journey.

Create Clear and Concise Job Postings

Job postings are often the first point of contact for potential applicants, so it’s crucial to make them as clear and engaging as possible. Effective job postings should communicate the role's requirements, company culture, and values in simple, straightforward language.

Avoid jargon or difficult technical terms that may confuse candidates. By presenting a transparent job description, organizations can attract suitable candidates who align with their needs and culture.

Integrate ATS with Career Sites

Connecting your ATS software to your career site can create a seamless application experience for candidates. This integration allows them to apply directly for positions they find on your website, reducing the requirement of a complicated, multilayered application process. A streamlined process encourages candidates to engage with your organization more readily, ultimately improving their overall experience.

Maintain Active Communication

Keeping candidates informed throughout the recruitment process is vital for a positive experience. Regular updates regarding their application status can alleviate uncertainties and help maintain engagement.

Use an automated tracking system to send status updates and feedback to ensure efficient communication. Ensure the candidates feel cared for throughout their entire application journey. This practice reflects an organization’s commitment to transparency and respect for candidates' time.

Use Screening Questions Wisely

Screening questions can help filter out unqualified candidates but should be used judiciously. Crafting relevant and straightforward screening questions is essential to avoid overwhelming applicants. Limit the number of questions to those essential for assessing qualifications, ensuring the process remains efficient and respectful of candidates' time.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

Given the increasing use of smartphones for job applications, ensuring that your ATS is optimized for mobile devices is essential. Mobile-friendly application forms allow candidates to apply easily from their phones, enhancing their overall experience. A smooth mobile application process can significantly improve engagement and reduce drop-off rates among potential applicants.

Provide Feedback to Candidates

Providing feedback is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a positive candidate experience. Even if candidates are not selected, expressing gratitude for their applications and informing them of their status fosters goodwill.

Automating these feedback responses using your applicant tracking software can streamline the process. This ensures that all candidates receive timely and thoughtful communication, which encourages them to consider future opportunities with your organization.

Transform Your Hiring with Zita’s Smart ATS

Zita's Smart ATS simplifies hiring by streamlining the recruitment workflow. With features designed for efficiency, it allows hiring teams to manage applications, schedule interviews, and track candidate progress seamlessly.

This centralized approach reduces administrative burdens, freeing time for recruiters to focus on what truly matters: finding the right talent for their organization.

Moreover, Zita’s Smart automated tracking system enhances the candidate experience by providing clear communication and timely updates throughout the application process. By leveraging intuitive tools and user-friendly interfaces, it ensures that candidates feel engaged and informed at every stage.


A seamless application process enhances the candidate's journey, strengthens your employer brand, and boosts retention rates. Tools like Zita can significantly improve this experience by automating workflows and providing a user-friendly interface. By prioritizing a streamlined application process, companies can ensure they attract the best candidates and foster a positive relationship from the very start.

